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Yard SignsHow to Effectively Use Yard Signs for Marketing Your Business

How to Effectively Use Yard Signs for Marketing Your Business

If you’re considering using yard signs or you already have some, deciding on where to place them for maximum exposure is a tactic that we’ll examine in this post. With a professional looking design and a simple call to action, these signs can be an extremely effective and a non-invasive way to brand yourself and your company around your local area.

To begin, we must always be respectful to public and private properties and it’s always a good idea to get permission before posting your sign no matter where you are. If you offend a property owner or get in trouble with the law enforcement, you could damage your reputation as a company.

Before posting your mini billboard make sure to check with the city, county and state laws to ensure you are abiding by all your local laws. Once you are familiar with the rules and regulations, and you are given the green light, you can begin displaying your business signs to your potential customers.

Yard signs are a greet way to educate the community of your products and services. They can be easily seen from short distances which makes these type of signs very effective.

Tips for displaying your yard Signs
1. Post them straight up

As people drive or walk by your signs and your sign is not standing up straight you will not get the most out of your sign. It will make it a lot easier to read your sign if it is nice and straight .

2. Spread them out

usually a single sign in a single property is enough, but if the property is larger, you may ask permission for a second or third depending on the property. Just be sure to spread them out and be very strategic on how they are display along the property. A good rule of thumb is approximately every 600 feet. Just remember not to make the signs look too distracting. Less is more with yard signs. Potential customers only have a few seconds to capture your message so keep it simple.

3. Simple Call to Action

When designing your yard signs, it’s important to have a simple call to action. Identify your product or service you are offering, include a phone number or website, add some urgency and create a clean design, which at Signify Graphics we take care of for you. Be cautious in adding too many words and too much fluff on the sign or your customers will miss the purpose of your message.

4. Post Your Sign on Social Media

A great way to promote your business is by taking a picture of your sign outside a property where you have sold your product or service. It’s social proof that goes a long way and shows potential customers you are a real business.

Whatever ever you do, be consistent with your marketing strategy and allow enough time to to determine how effective the signs are for your business. Keep in mind that people by nature are skeptical and they need to see your sings several times before calling your number or visiting your website.

If you take these tips and apply them in your business marketing efforts your chances of getting more sales my go way up. Lots of our customers have seen results from utilizing yard signs to promote their products and services.

To get your Yard Signs professionally designed and printed give us call today and we will gladly help you.
Just give us a call at (208) 757-6177